Currently, the majority of our students enter through the main entrance (Door 1) and through doors 3, 4 and 6 pictured below. Starting January 9th, we will ask students to enter through only Doors 1 and 6. Essentially, this is in the front and back of the building. Small buses and ID classes will still enter through doors 3 and 4. Now that our students know where their classes are, we hope to streamline our arrival process in the morning. There will be plenty of staff inside, as always, to assist students if needed. We will still, however, dismiss through our grade level doors as we have in the past.
For safety purposes, please do not enter or leave the parking lots during our arrival/dismissal times of 8:25-8:40 or 2:50-3:10. On Wednesdays, this would be from 2:20-2:40. We have buses and pedestrian traffic in both of the East and West lots during this time frame. In addiiton, please avoid parking where there are orange cones. This space allows our buses to clear the lot and adhere to one-way street traffic when exiting our lots.