Another year, another Earth Day [though, we can really celebrate it EVERY DAY!] t-shirt! This year’s shirt fundraiser will be able to help benefit our growing gardens [we currently have three raised beds and are in the process of adding two more] along with the maintenance of our fruit trees [we have 3 cherry and 4 pear located in the back corner] and butterfly garden located up in the front of our building. Not only that, but our club will once again be offering free plants to our interested Hanover Highlands families close to Earth Day! We appreciate the community’s support and enjoy giving back! Earth Day Shirts 2024 forms will mailed home and you should see them soon if you have not already. IF interested, please submit payment in the form of cash or check [made out to Hanover Highlands Environmental Club] to your student’s teacher by February 15th. All shirts ordered will be distributed to students prior to Earth Day 2024 – once we receive them! Thanks again! #GoGreen