Hanover Highlands Environmental Club will be, for our third year in a row, providing interested families a plant as a part of our Go Green Initiative. IF your family is interested, please feel out the GIVE AWAY FORM, and we will do our best to make that happen. House plants [indoor OR outdoor], vegetable seeds or flower seeds are on this year’s options. IF you are interested in looking for some tree saplings for your yard, please reach out as we might be able to make that happen to in conjunction with the Hanover Park’s Fill The Canopy initiative. That being said, the kids have a few other little projects under way, which hopefully we will find out a bit more in the next couple of weeks! Earth Day is around the corner [although, let’s be real..> Earth Day is every day!]. Please submit your requests [one per family] by April 7th in order to provide time for us do a bit of shopping.