
February 25, 2025

We hope you are having a wonderful Friday. We wanted to pass along some important safety reminders regarding arrival and dismissal.

  • Our doors open at 8:25 am. Students who arrive before 8:25 are not supervised. Please do not drop off your student before this time for their safety.
  • If you choose to use our drop off lane on Cypress Ave., we ask that you wait in line, pull as far forward as possible, and let your child out on the sidewalk closest to the school. 
    • Please do not pull ahead or around other cars in line. We will move as fast as we can supporting students out of cars.
  • There are options to park and walk your child in during that 15 minute window on our side streets.


  • Please do not wait for your child in your car in our bus lane in front of the school.
  • Both the east and west lots are closed to traffic between 2:50-3:10pm each day, except for Wednesdays. On Wednesday, they’re closed from 2:20-2:40pm.

 As always, our main priority is the safety of your children and our community. Thank you for your support with our process.