
April 11, 2023

Please Register Your Child(ren) for Next Year
Registration for the 2023-24 school year is now available through the  Infinite Campus Portal. Please login to your portal account to review the current information and make any necessary changes. If you do not have a portal account, you should have received an email on March 17th inviting you to create one. 
If you have any questions, please contact our school office. Thank you for your cooperation.

Coffee & Conversation – April 12

The District 54 Department of Language and Culture invites District 54 families to join us from 5:00-6:00 PM on Wednesday, April 12 to discuss Activities for the Summer. Through this session, we hope to provide families who are new to the country with information about different activities and resources that are available for students and families in the summer. Spanish and Ukrainian translators will be available. If you are able to attend this session in the District 54 Board Room, 524 E. Schaumburg Road in Schaumburg, please let us know by calling Barbara Velez at (847) 357-5074. 

District 54 Summer Camp Expo – April 19

District 54 invites all families to explore what wonderful summer opportunities our community has to offer at the District 54 Summer Camp Expo. There will be representatives from a variety of organizations with information about summer camps, classes, sports leagues, music lessons and more for your student. The event will be from 6-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19, at the District 54 Professional Learning Center, 522 E. Schaumburg Road in Schaumburg (adjacent to the District 54 Administrative Office) – please enter through Door C1. 


District 54 Summer Camps

Summer is right around the corner and the perfect way to enjoy it is to join a Summer of 54 camp! District 54 students can build robots, design a t-shirt, learn a new sport, brush up on music skills, and so much more! Registration will open in your Parent Portal at 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 5 and will close at noon Friday, May 5. (Instrumental Music camp registration will close at noon Friday, May 26.) For more information on the camps offered click on the links below. 

Seats fill up fast, so sign up early if you want your children to be a part of the Summer of 54 Camp family! Information regarding camps designed for English learners and students in the dual language programs will be shared the week of April 10.