PTA Offers Summer Scholarships
The Schaumburg Township Council of PTAs (STC) is once again offering scholarships for District 54 students who wish to broaden their education, talents and experiences in summer programs and camps. Students are eligible to apply if they are currently in kindergarten through seventh grade and if they have a parent or guardian who is a current PTA member at the school the child attends. Click here for more information and to access the PTA Scholarship Applications. The application is due by Friday, April 7, 2023.Scholarships will be awarded for the full cost of the program up to $125. Parents/guardians are responsible for registering their children for the camps and then the PTA will forward the scholarship checks directly to the summer program.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Hanover Highlands scholarship chair: Christine Ziemba at [email protected] or call/text (847) 208-7094
PTA Fundraiser- Clean Your Closet!
Help us raise funds for our school by cleaning out your closet! Your donations turn into money for educational programs, assemblies & more! SAVERS will pay us based on weight collected. We need your help! Click here to learn more.